SmartOne IPTV Xtream Codes Setup

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How to setup IPTV on SmartOne IPTV Xtream Codes Setup

Step 1 = Download and open the application.


Step 2 = Click on the settings section on the main screen of the application.


Step 3 = Enter the accounts section in the Settings tab and take note of your mac address written on the screen.


Paste this link into your browser from a different device and go to the installation screen of the smartone application.

Step 4 = Write the information sent to you in the marked sections on the screen in order.

TV Mac= Your mac address in the accounts section of your app.

Account Name= Fox Server

Server Address= URL in subscription information sent to you by us

Server Port= The number at the end of the URL. For example; 8080

Username= Username in the subscription information sent to you by us

Password= Password in the subscription information sent to you by us


Step 5= After typing the required information, click on “Create Smart Key” at the bottom right.

Your installation is complete. Restart your TV.


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We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue and equal blame belongs to those fail in their duty